The HSE continue to take a proactive and effective approach to dealing with drug use. This approach is extremely beneficial and to see them releasing drug harm reduction information is a massive step forward in protecting people both within our community and across the country.

We work closely with the Health Service Executive (HSE) in order to find the best ways to approach important topics such as harm reduction and safety, this includes with drug use. They have provided the following information and we believe it is crucial you follow their guidelines.

We are asking people to take extra care if they plan to go out and use drugs during this time. The safest thing to do is not take drugs at all but we understand that people may still choose to use anyway.

– It is an extra risky time to go out and to also take drugs. Please avoid gathering if you are feeling unwell or display any symptoms.

– Nights out and using drugs could impact on your immune system due to lack of sleep or food. It might be a useful time to think about your use and consider if not using is the best option.

Hand Hygiene
Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after you handle, prepare or take drugs     

Clean surfaces
Use alcohol wipes on surfaces where you prepare drugs

Drug Safety

– If you are snorting drugs, crush as finely as possible before use to reduce the risk of nasal damage/bleeding.

– Avoid sharing any drug paraphernalia (reduces risk of transmission) – needles, syringes, spoons, tooters, pipes.

– Do not use notes or keys if snorting drugs as they harbour infection. Use a clean straw, rolled up post it or clean piece of paper.

– Do not pass around cigarettes or joints.

– Avoid physical contact with others if preparing or using drugs.

– Don’t share baggies or pass around drugs – avoid hand contact with any drugs.

– See for a directory of services and for general harm reduction advice.

Some discussions online are theorising that there could be drug shortages due to travel restrictions. We have no evidence of this at this present moment in time. Please be mindful that trends can change and be mindful that you can never be fully sure of the contents of drugs. Taking alternatives to what you are used to could be risky.

Look after yourself and look out for others – we know the dance and party community are close knit. You won’t be killing the buzz if you clean down surfaces, don’t share drugs/paraphernalia and sanitise your hands, it for the best interest of others and yourself. #Safe up your sesh.

General harm reduction 

– The HSE are concerned in relation to high strength drugs circulating in Europe. This can mean increased risks.

– Leave the mixing to the DJ. Every time you mix drugs, including alcohol and prescription medication, you increase the risks. Some medication such as SSRI’s can interact badly with drugs like MDMA.

– Start low and go slow. Start with a very small dose and see how you react to the drug. Wait at least 2 hours before taking more.

– Keep cool and stay hydrated. Take breaks from dancing and drink water but not over a pint an hour.

– Use drugs if you are feeling low, anxious or depressed. Some drugs can make negative feelings or bad thoughts even worse

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