There’s been contrasting parties of late in Ireland. Last Thursday Lane 8 brought his “This Never Happened” tour to Index, a tour which has boasted the ethos of no phones or cameras, just dancing and great music. Then, there was a video that popped up online from Saturday night at a Hannah Wants show, which as it turns out, the DJ encouraged everyone to get their phones out and shine them in the air… Why? We’re not sure, nor do we want to.

We might sound like a broken record at this stage, but we’re completely against phones, cameras and phone lights on the dance floor. To put it nicely, it’s honestly shit and no matter what people try and say, it ruins the vibe of the night. So, little by little, we’re going to try and right this habit and spread positive stories of how the no phone, no camera philosophy can actually make the party better, for everyone.

On Thursday night we asked Melodic resident Stephen Flyn for a quick synopsis of Thursday night’s party in Index, here are his words below… But before you start reading, stick this mix on. It was recorded on the night by the two Melodic residents, Mull Joy B2B Stephen Flynn.

“Lane 8 at Index ended up being one of the most enjoyable sets we have played out in Dublin. Both myself and Shane did not expect to receive such a reception on a Thursday night and we couldn’t help but feel this was partly down to the fact that Lane 8 requests his fans to put away their phones for the night. The “This Never Happened” tour, as he would call it. 

It was also implemented extremely well amongst the staff at Index. Each punter would receive a sticker that covers both cameras on their phones upon arrival and there was also a member of security on stage during Lane 8 that would overlook the crowd and stop anyone from attempting to record any videos after removing the sticker. This was widely respected and I only remember seeing one or two people attempting to do so over the night. I feel this made the connection between the crowd and DJ’s a whole lot stronger, particularly with music of a more Melodic edge. This made for an unforgettable atmosphere on the night for both the support and the main act. 

It’s great to see an artist promoting a “no camera” policy on a tour, but in other cities, it is the clubs and promoters that decide to implement this. Berlin is the main example. Staff in more recognisable clubs such as Berghain actually take your phone and delete any photos that they suspect has been taken in the club. This creates a far more relaxing environment in the clubs, especially when they can run for up to three days. The last thing you would need is your boss spotting a video of you in Berghain when you have called in sick to work. Kater Blau, another amazing club in Berlin, which we have been lucky enough to play in, have a photo booth in their outside area. A good alternative to provide printed photos as a memory of your night (or entire weekend) in the club. 

Having witnessed first hand the positive effects of a no camera policy in Berlin and seeing it well implemented at the recent Lane 8 gig here in Dublin we are considering trialling the concept at our Melodic nights in Yamamori Tengu. It’s a small thing to do, but it definitely seems to make a huge difference to the overall atmosphere of the night.”

Words Stephen Flynn.

Here’s a Lane 8 Essential Mix, just in case you’re not familiar with the artist.

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