Sputnik One recently shared the news of his new imprint N-Face which encompasses controlled chaos through unexpected collaboration and visual art. The first releases see’s Sputnik One team up with EMBY, alongside remixes from Honeydrip & Spud.

Sputnik One has been at the forefront of forward thinking and contemporary electronic sounds in Ireland in recent years, and his romantic relationship with all things alien and subterranean has shot him into the peripheral lens of many of the world’s leading names in left-field bass music.

N-Face is a nod to Sputnik’s French heritage, and the meaning of the label’s name ‘en face’ is to face forward. The name also represents the goal of embracing futurism from a unique perspective of with the labels releases. The goal is to have a loose and somewhat unstructured approach to releasing music with unexpected collaborations and encouragement of controlled chaos.

The label will also put an onus on the visual aspect of releasing music. Having spent many years working as visual designer Sputnik’s love for visual art goes hand in hand with his love for music. Combining both of these world’s in a cohesive and emotional manner is something that is fundamental to Sputnik’s creative vision.

“I want to make every single one special in its own way and be it’s own microcosm, by whatever means that are available at the time creatively. That’s why the label motto is ‘By hook or by crook’.” – Sputnik One

The first edition of N-Face is out now and features a collaboration with EMBY, as well as a remix from Honeydrip & Spud. The releases is steeped in UK influence, encompassing various flavours of the hardcore continuum.

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