Honeypot and Tengu have announced the launch of ‘EMERGE’, a competition for rising female, trans & non-binary DJs. Applications are open until October 25th, and the winners will play at the showcase night in Tengu on November 16.
Honeypot and Yamamori Tengu join forces to present EMERGE, a competition for rising DJs. The competition and event is aimed at creating more opportuynities for female, trans & non-binary DJs within Dublin’s dance music community.
To enter the competition, contestants will have to fill in a Google Form linked Honeypot’s bio and send them a 30-minute mix so the team can familiraise themselves with your sound. The winning DJs will be selected to play at a showcase night in Tengu on November 16.
We are open for applications from now until October 25th and the winners will be selected by October 29. If you’ve ever dreamed of playing HONEYPOT, now’s your chance! Enter, tell your friends to enter, and don’t forget to buy a ticket to the showcase so you can show your support. Best of luck