Rave The Planet, the heir to Love Parade returns to Berlin this weekend after fifteen years away from the city that lives and breathes techno music. Rave The Planet describes the return to Berlin by saying “This is not a revival, it’s a new beginning – let’s get started”.
In July of 1989 Matthias Roeingh, better known by his artist name, Dr Motte started the first Love Parade, a peaceful demonstration soundtracked by techno music. Their motto was ‘Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen’ which sought for peace, love, joy & fair food distribution. The demonstration soon became an explosion of techno culture, and is one of the landmark events in the history of dance music, and often compared to electronic music’s answer to Woodstock.
Thirty-three years on from the seminal event which took place on Kurfürstendamm in 1989, it returns preaching similar mantra’s in a new era. It parade will move across the German capital, from Kurfürstendamm to Großer Stern, and will be soundtracked by over 200 DJs across the globe. Some of these DJs include; Stephanie Sykes, Bloody Mary, Cristan Marras, Samantha Togni & many more.
While many of people’s focus may lye in the dancing and DJs playing, Rave The Planet has many goals. The main topic within the dance’s ethos is the recognition of Berlin’s techno culture with UNESCO’s intangible cultural heritage status.
This is a landmark event based around the protection and preservation of dance music’s culture.