Nat Mac’s Underground Ovation collective has been the front-runner in supporting emerging talent from Cork in recent years. The team host their sixth open-deck night at The Liberty Cork next Thursday.

Cork-based party and platform Underground Ovation has been hosting community-driven club nights and initiatives since 2016. The team have been active in hosting workshops, radio shows, streams, club shows and more, as they prioritise holding a torch up to the local scene.

Their next event comes next Thursday, October 26th, as the team host the sixth edition of their open-deck series. The series gives up-and-coming DJs a chance to play in a comfortable and safe environment while also learning about playing in a club setting.

The next open deck night introduces some new and old faces. Giving each DJ 30-minute slots, with no blending required, as the team prioritise track selection and learning as a prime concern. Underground Ovation will have several slots open on night for anyone else who wants to jump on during the night (USBs picked from hat).

The party starts at 7pm and runs till late at The Liberty Cork.

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