Show support for those who may be hit financially during this pandemic by signing the petition to urge legislation to freeze rent and mortgage payments be introduced. In the last two days, it has gained over 22,000 signatures.

We are all well aware of the current situation and circumstances now facing us not just as a country, but internationally and the potential effect this may have on our financial situations. A petition has been introduced to freeze payments for accommodation in the form of rent and mortgage repayments to help those who may not be able to afford it, this is based off the approach of the Italian government to the coronavirus.

You can read the statement which accompanies the petition below.

“We are now in unprecedented times, and the economic impact of Covid-19 on Ireland and the rest of the world will be massive, but there are measures we can take to mitigate the fallout. We urge the Irish government to take action to protect the Irish people in the same manner that their Italian counterparts did on March 10th, they suspended mortgage repayments and utility bills to soften the economic blow to households and small businesses, residential and commercial.

Italian prime minister Giuseppe Conte said ‘Europe cannot think of confronting an extraordinary situation with ordinary measures’

The coronavirus is expanding rapidly and we will be likely facing numerous months of self isolation with a large number of the country facing unemployment and uncertainty.

Hundreds of small and medium businesses are unlikely to reopen with their current liabilities in place, the aftermath of which will be catastrophic and will impact all of society in Ireland. We call on the government to bring in emergency legislation for banks to freeze mortgages so landlords can freeze rents. By acting together, we can save many lives and livelihoods.

1 – The government needs to liaise with banks to freeze repayments for the duration of coronavirus
2 – Landlords need to implement this for all tenants in Ireland

#rentfreeze #mortgagefreeze

Please show support and sign the petition here and share it with friends and family.

** UPDATE **

Banks have released information on their Covid-19 proceedings.

– They have increased contactless payments to €50

– They have implemented a ‘Payment break’ or relief of up to three months for personal and business customers. If you’re affected by Covid-19 please contact your bank about your options.

– Introducing simplified methods for customers to contact them on these issues.

– Deferring court proceedings by three months.

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