We spoke to a number of people involved in Ireland’s dance music community to share their thoughts on last night’s distressing scenes which unfolded in Dublin City. While the nearly cinematic scenes of Ireland’s capital in flames still floods our newsfeeds, it’s important to humanise the topic as best we can by speaking to those of foreign descent & POC about the rise of far-right rhetorics and racism in modern-day Ireland.

Today, many marginalised people live in fear off the back of the views of a small group. It is hugely important that as a society we name exactly what happened last night as racist and coercive tactics from the far-right to push an agenda that is fueled by misinformation, ignorance and hate. These views do not reflect Irish culture or our history in the slightest.

The dance music community stands together for peace. Please look out for each other and be careful when travelling or going out this weekend.

We spoke to those of foreign descent & POC from the dance music community to hear their thoughts and give our community a voice.

Moving Still

It’s heartbreaking to witness innocent people being brutally attacked by anyone; violence of this nature is always wrong. As a father, reading about any killing or violent attack on children breaks my heart.

However, it’s disheartening that these far-right extremists outright blame all non-white or, in their eyes, ‘non-Irish’ individuals for the actions of an unhinged lunatic.

Simultaneously, there are people sadly being either manipulated or simply acting as opportunistic assholes, burning things for their own enjoyment! How does that benefit anyone?

Living through this type of racism and violent behaviour is a horrible experience. Now, Ireland is facing undeniable proof of racism unfolding right before everyone’s eyes. This is not the Ireland I know.

Yasmin Gardezi

Evil has no race. It is very very clear racism in Ireland is truly alive and has always been there. Thankfully only a small minority of Irish are of this disgusting nature.

Ireland is always a welcome place for migrants and refugees. My father immigrated here over 30 years ago and in these years he has done nothing but better the lives of thousands of people here in Ireland through his medical practices. His job is making people’s lives and health better and he pays his tax like everyone else.

If one of these racist “far right” thugs was in a car accident and needed emergency treatment, would they turn down help from a doctor if the only doctor there was from an Asian country? I highly doubt it. Are these racists going abroad every June to the likes of Spain and Portugal on a holiday? Are these racists getting a Chinese or Indian takeaway every weekend and making their skin darker with fake tan and sun beds every week? Yes they are.

There’s just so much that infuriates me about these racists in Ireland who are probably the most hypocritical people you’ll ever come across. Sending love and thoughts to every individual who has come to Ireland and now calls it home. My heart goes out to you. May the feeling of unsettlement and hate being given from these far rights it’s who most definitely don’t care about “their country” not burden you. You are incredible and you are loved and add so much to Ireland. From medical staff, to teachers, carers, business owners and everyone in between, who come here and make Ireland a better place, you are amazing and Ireland loves you.

From being born in Ireland and not looking 100% “typically Irish”, I know what it’s like to experience racism first hand and I’ve learned to grow a thick skin to it personally and I will never let it affect me anymore. It only says something about the racist, but unfortunately there are others who haven’t developed this thick skin and get affected in the most violent ways imaginable. It’s devastating to witness and I think it’s very important for people to call out and stand up for racism in every situation possible, whether it’s in your workplace, your family, your friend group. Do not be ashamed of embarrassed to call out racism no matter how close the person is to you or if they are your boss. Things need to change.

Nevan Jio

Please don’t be blinded by the viscerality of images and videos of burnt-out public transport and looted stores to lazily retort classist tropes online – it’s not the inner-city kids who inspired those scenes last night. Instead, use this moment as a stark wake-up call to reflect on what yourself, peers, family members, friends, work colleagues and beyond their attitudes towards human beings in their community and afar who do not look or speak like them. Racism and xenophobia has always existed here in Ireland, pretending to be shocked at what happened last night speaks to how ignorant most of us are towards that fact. Do not sit still, we must continue to hold those in power to account for under-funding mental health services, inner-city communities and affordable housing as those are the core issues that lead to yesterday’s inevitability.

Sending love and strength to the pupils and teachers who were tragically attacked yesterday, the families of those affected and to any immigrant in this city and country at large who are frightened to their core by what the rioting and violence represented last night.

This must change, we must change.

E The Artist

For all of our good, you tell us we speak or the few Yet, in an act of evil, you tell us one man can speak our whole truth Oh Ireland, don’t we grieve as you do?


I think the main thing that I want people to understand about yesterday is how deeply it affects the people in your life who are viewed as an “other” by society – immigrants, people of colour, and anyone deemed to be “foreign” is now in a position where the hatred and violence towards them is justified in the eyes of the far right.

When you spread misinformation about immigration you are actively contributing to making Ireland a less safe place to live in. The riots yesterday were not about the harm done to children, they were an excuse for racists to act on their blind hatred openly and without fear of consequence. There are Irish people all over the world, and we have had to fight to be welcomed, so the hypocrisy of what’s happening on our streets is even more difficult to believe.


The knife attack that took place yesterday was beyond horrific, and it’s understandable that this angered people because trust me when I heard about it, my heart broke. However, it does not justify the afwul behaviour that took place last night. This is not the right way to show your anger and rage. It’s not an excuse for the horrific crimes that were committed last night. My heart goes out to the victims, their families, and everyone else who has been affected and feels terrified at this moment. I appreciate all the kind souls who have reached out and are looking out for all the members of the community who are currently feeling vulnerable and scared. Make sure to check on your friends, neighbours, loved ones, and even strangers because, in times like this, we must come together and show each other what true humanity is.


Last night’s events were shocking. I managed to get home 15 minutes before the riots took place and considering my university and home are in immediate proximity to Parnell Street, I felt an incredible feeling of fear and worry. I am grateful clubs have closed down, as I was running an event that night, and the club is a safe space for many POC, queer, and immigrant dancers. I don’t really know what to feel except numbness and nervousness that my friends and I could be attacked at any moment for the colour of our skin. I hope everyone in the dance community comes together and fights back, and that action is taken after these animalistic xenophobic events.

Ahmet Yasir

After a long night trying to find the safest route to my home in Dublin, I headed to work this morning. Despite the anxiety among my Irish friends, I noticed numerous delivery drivers still taking orders last night. The scenes were scary but not entirely unexpected, given the societal tensions that have been brewing. As a person of colour, I’ve encountered enough cases to recognize the underlying issues.

Max’s recent post resonated with me, highlighting the danger of reacting to every tragedy with violence. While Ireland leans left politically, it has become a prominent neoliberal country, contributing to a sense of being left behind. Although, in my opinion, nobody is left to their fate. Ireland still has close-knit communities all around.

We of course must do more to help, protect and widen these networks but there is a working social welfare system and people are well off compared to the rest of the world. Perspectivism some calls what I mean here but again I am not ignoring facilitating factors that caused last night’s incidents. Blaming only the youth for burning cars and looting and leaving aside all the agitators isn’t the solution; the core problem lies in the divisive language permeating our culture, from education to social media to legislation. The dichotomies created—stupid/genius, immigrant/Irish, poor/rich—reflect a flawed mindset we all share to some extent. In times of nuance, simplistic dichotomies emerge. Instead of dissecting the recent events on a small scale, let’s address the broader issue—the shortcomings of a culture steeped in psychological divisions. It’s crucial for us all to unite against the growing far-right ideology in Ireland and globally.

I wanna add I am not afraid of going out and doing what I am doing but I know and that I am not an island and Irish society and specifically people with privileges must stand up, organise and fight against this rising tide of hatred and violence.

Queen Beatz

It’s not about me. I’m so fucking tired of living in fear, looking over my shoulder, watching every fair-skinned person to see if they are going to frown upon me or my spit in my face.

It’s not easy being of a different race. Far-right, supremacist, the master race, hate-mongering fools! They think they have the right to rule? Shame on them. Using their hate after children have been harmed?

What is this world? People attacking schools? Innocent children being attacked & bombed? Innocent children being harmed? I’m sorry this is not ok!

Children should have the right to remain innocent and carefree. This poem is for them not about me.

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