A LEGO replica of the Pioneer CDJ 2000 Nexus, which was submitted to the brand’s ideas platform last month, has now been made. Watch a video of its designer Tamás Borján demonstrating some of its playable features.

This kit has an astounding amount of 2628 LEGO pieces and is filled with many elements that make it even more beautiful, as well as being practical. The LEGO CDJ 2000 Nexus includes a jog wheel, tempo fader, a USB stick that can be placed in and out of the socket, and two replaceable LED panels.

The designer Megragadó Gladiátor Ezredes has reached out to LEGO Ideas, a site where LEGO fans may submit their designs for consideration, in order to make this LEGO set a reality. Then, by joining up on the website, people may show their support for these projects. The plan develops popularity and remains on the platform as the number of backers climbs. To advance in the LEGO ideas process, the suggested set must have at least 10,000 backers.

“This new-age classic piece plays a significant role in the life of clubs and parties,” reads the build’s official blurb. “DJs are playing the best music on this, mixing the songs together with great precision.”

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